What We Want… To Leave You Better Than We Found You

If you are like me, you have tried everything to increase your Business Development.

I attended workshops and boot camps, read book after book, participated in mastermind groups, and even sought out formal education. I was always searching for the silver bullet to solve my new business development woes.

Having exhausted all the avenues to increase my skill set, I decided to hire four different coaches who could “just make me better” because I didn’t know what to do anymore. One of those coaches was a Harvard neuroscientist who made me aware of how much my mindset had been impacting my new business development success. Based on this experience, it turned out that my skill set was great; it was my mindset that was holding me back. That set me down a new path of awareness.

As I studied the brain, it became clearer to me that the amygdala, a roughly almond-shaped mass that has a role in processing our fears, was what was holding me back from the success I wanted. My brain was playing on my fears. These fears were holding me back from being successful.

With this knowledge, I taught myself how to eliminate these fears. If I couldn’t eliminate them, I worked on minimizing them. The more successful I became at minimizing or eliminating them, the more I achieved in new business development.

Once I was successful, I decided to teach my system to my clients. They experienced the same success I did. My clients were telling me that spending just five hours a week, they were seeing a steady increase of 25% in their business development. It was then that I knew I had to spread the word, because I never want those who are responsible for new business development to have to go through what I did.

Once you understand your Caveman Brain® , it is easy to recognize when it is holding you back. It is what you do about it that makes a difference in being successful in new business development.

Why Caveman Brain?

The word “amygdala” is hard to say, particularly when attempting to repeat it over and over—so I came up with a better way to describe this phenomenon: Caveman Brain.

Caveman Brain is the voice inside our heads that holds us back, based on fears that may or may not be true. It is the thought patterns and processes we use every day that are no longer working to make us successful. It is how our brains are reacting to these fears, thought patterns and processes that influences us each and every day to be less successful than we can or want to be.

Harnessing Your Caveman Brain

Caveman Brain is the thing that can make you stand out in a crowd or hide in the corner. If you are responsible for new business development, controlling your Caveman Brain is the single best thing you can do to change your trajectory of success. If you have done everything to increase your new business development, but nothing is working, then it’s time to turn your Caveman Brain into your ally. Pick the program that suits you best—or if you aren’t sure, then schedule some time to talk to us. We are here to help you! You can achieve the results you want. Go Get Results, Dr. Jean Oursler, The Results Queen®

On Your Own The Caveman Brain Business Growth System®


By a Certified Results Coach™ through The Caveman Brain Business Growth System®